We are committed to achieving the SDGs, which aim to realize a sustainable society.
We are committed to solving sustainable issues in society through creative coffee happy scenes.
We are working to solve sustainable issues in society by creating all kinds of coffee happy scenes.

What are the SDGs?
Abbreviation for SDGs=Sustainable Development Goals.
The SDGs are international goals for the period up to 2030, consisting of 17 goals and 169 targets, adopted at the UN Sustainable Development Summit held at UN Headquarters in New York in September 2015.
The SDGs are international goals for the period up to 2030, consisting of 17 goals and 169 targets.
For more information. ≫ United Nations Center for Public Information
THANCREA Initiatives

We will conduct active fundraising and support campaigns for organizations and countries in need of assistance.
- Promoting fundraising coffee

We will promote the creation of a rewarding workplace and support the growth and health of our employees.
- We will establish a system to promote health management, identify employee health issues, and implement initiatives to address health issues.

Through our own internships, company tours, and collaborative projects with educational institutions, we promote U-turns and I-turns and increase opportunities for young people to work locally.
- Proactive recruitment of interns and company tours
- Proactive collaboration with neighboring junior high and high schools

We will work to reduce food loss in order to contribute to solving global environmental problems and hunger issues.
- Sales of products that are nearing or have expired expiration dates. Proactive efforts to reduce food loss.
- Proactive proposal to Kleinert restaurants to reduce food loss

We will work to reuse or eliminate plastics and paper in order to preserve the earth's environment and the richness of the oceans and land.
- Efforts to reduce coffee packaging (plastic products) and other materials.

In order to protect coffee farms around the world, we actively adopt coffee beans with high traceability and that are environmentally friendly, and work with producers to achieve sustainable development.
- Handle coffee with good traceability.
- RA certified, organic coffee.
- Active interaction through visits to farms